Submission Guidelines

Instruction for Authors

The authors are requested to submit their manuscripts either through our online submission service or mail directly to ejns(at) If the electronic version of the manuscript is not available, please contact the Editor to discuss the alternative options.

The manuscript should be original and has been never previously published, meanwhile the paper preprints can be easily shared anywhere (for instance, repository). Please note that upon submission, the link of preprint should be provided if available.

To approve and verify originality of the paper, submitted manuscripts are compared with existing database and in case of need may be checked by other well-known services (Plagiarism checking servers).  If the manuscript accepted for publication, the authors can ask the PDF file of their article for personal use. Note that after acceptance, the Journal papers are hosted by EBSCO. Please note that there is no submission fee.

If the online submission service is chosen, one of the authors (designated as Corresponding Author -CA) should provide his/her full contacts. All mandatory fields are marked with asterisk (*). One important note: Please provide professional/institutional email address. According to Journal's policies, the use of commercial email address is forbidden. Please check carefully the list and ordering of all authors BEFORE the submission. To add/remove/change author’s names is only possible if the confirmation letter (duly signed by authors) from all authors is available.

Please note that the submitted file should enclose the manuscript in a single Microsoft Word .doc file. Before submission, please check your file for malware and viruses.  In case of detection, the submission is immediately cancelled.

File formats

§  Manuscript file should be in 1997-2003 MS Word compatible format. A PDF format is not accepted.

§  The figures in manuscripts should be in .bmp or JPEG formats. The resolution should be much enough for resizing (at least 300dpi).

§  The chemical formulas/structures should be designed via ChemDraw software.

§  The alternative file formats should be explained and the corresponding package/instrument should be mentioned in the text.

 Article design

§  The regular articles should not exceed 6 single-spaced pages (please use A4 format, Times 12pt font, margins: left - 3 cm, others - 2 cm). The summarizing article may have a volume up to 12 pages. The cover page must contain: the abstract/resume of about 150 words, 3-5 keywords, name and affiliation of author(s), author's valid e-mail, phone, fax and postal address.

§  Two hard copies of the manuscript must be presented.

§  The article consists from following parts; Introduction, Material and methods, Results and discussion and Conclusion. The mentioned parts can be divided in sub-parts if needed. The whole manuscript should be passed by spell & grammar checking procedure using MS Word corresponding tools. The abstracts must be presented in English. (Presentation of Russian and Armenian versions of the abstracts is desirable). The abstracts are presented on separate pages.

§  To sure that the figures and tables are duly cited in the text.  Each figure must be given in a separate page of .bmp or JPEG types.

§  The references should be in the end of the manuscript on a separate page. The list of the literature must be given in alphabetical order. References to them (in numbers) in the text must be written in square brackets. The web-links can be included in the text or in Reference section where appropriate. Please do not use footnotes for e-links.

§  The acknowledgment section (optional) should contain the information about financial support/sponsorship.

§  Supplementary information should be included at the end of References and must be referred in the text with following format: Supp. info S1.